AAUW TECH TREK program features a week-long camp designed to create interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) for girls entering the eight grade. The AAUW Palo Alto, CA branch launched the first Tech Trek camp at Stanford University. Since that time Tech Trek expanded to ten college campuses in California serving over 10,000 girls. Tech Trek is now open to middle school girls nationwide. Florida was selected as one of the expansion sites. Florida’s camp has been a success. Seventh grade girls across the state of Florida were identified and nominated by their science and math instructors. Girls submitted a written application to participate in the week-long camp.
The 2015 program was held on the campus of Eckerd College. Maria Roallos was the Tampa branch selectee for the 2015 camp.
- Core Classes and Workshops exploring Science, Technology, Engineering and Math and a science-based field trip.
- Living and learning on a college campus under the direction of teachers and workshop presenters skilled in STEM.
- Interacting with STEM career women during camp and on Professional Night– gaining insight about a career that might be right for them.